SoftSimu - Research

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Instead of maintaining web pages of each of the projects, the display on your left provides some research nuggets and more can be found from our movie gallery at flickr.


In brief, we are currently concentrating on problems related to lipid membranes and proteins, self-assmebly processes, multiscale modeling of biological systems, pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems, and computational methods.


We are a computational & theoretical group, but most of our projects are done in collaboration with experimental groups.


Here are some additional examples - related publications are on the publications page:    



    Membrane proteins

    Peptides and hydrophobins

    Peptdases and transferases

    DPPC membranes

    Bacterial membranes

    Cholesterol & other sterols

    Cationic lipids

    DNA-cationic lipid complexation







    AC Electrokinetics of cells and colloids:

           Dielectrophoresis + Electrorotation

    Overcharging of colloids



    Nanopores, biosensors

               and translocation

    Functionalized surfaces

    Wetting of structured surfaces




    Dissipative Particle Dynamics

    Coarse-graining of molecular systems

    Phase field modelling

    Driven superconducting rings

    Charge-density wave dynamics

    Crumpling of tethered membranes

    Turing patterns

    Self-gravitating systems


All rights reserved. Last modified on Saturday April 14, 2012